Poster de la serie Doctor Who Confidential

Doctor Who Confidential


Année : 2005

Nombre de saisons : 7

Durée moyenne d'un épisode : 45 minutes

Genre(s) : Science-fiction

Doctor Who Confidential est un documentaire diffusé sur la BBC en complément de la série. On y retrouve des secret de tournage, des interviews avec les acteurs, producteurs et scénaristes.


Doctor Who Confidential saison 1

Saison 1


Doctor Who Confidential saison 2

Saison 2


Doctor Who Confidential saison 3

Saison 3


Doctor Who Confidential saison 4

Saison 4


Doctor Who Confidential saison 5

Saison 5


Doctor Who Confidential saison 6

Saison 6


Doctor Who Confidential saison 7

Saison 7



Choisissez votre saison au dessus et découvrez les épisodes qui vous attendent !

Épisode 1 - Bringing Back the Doctor

26 mars 2005 - 4.2/5

Le retour de Doctor Who à la télévision britannique expliqué par les différentes personnes ayant travaillé sur la série.

Épisode 2 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2 avril 2005 - 4.3/5

The new series of Doctor Who has some new alien creatures, and this episode shows how some of them were made, for the second episode, The End of the World.

Épisode 3 - TARDIS Tales

9 avril 2005 - 4.1/5

From behind the scenes of the Dickens set in Swansea the Confidential team takes a good long look at the TARDIS and its vital role in the Doctor’s adventures. The programme looks at all the different worlds that the present and past Doctors visit and visited.

Épisode 4 - I Get a Side-Kick Out of You

16 avril 2005 - 4.3/5

This episode looks at Rose and her predecessors. What does it take to make the grade as the Doctor's companion? The Confidential team looks back at companions from the past. Why does the Doctor need Rose? What does she add to the mix?

Épisode 5 - Why on Earth?

23 avril 2005 - 4.1/5

After The Doctor saves the Earth once more in the fifth episode, World War Three, this episode of Doctor Who Confidential looks at some of the history of the Doctor's special interest in our planet.

Épisode 6 - Dalek

30 avril 2005 - 4.3/5

The long-awaited return of The Doctor's most famous enemy brings a look at the making of this important sixth episode of Doctor Who, Dalek, and some impressions of them from interviews.

Épisode 7 - The Dark Side

7 mai 2005 - 4.1/5

Evil geniuses and sudden death – the vital ingredients of Doctor Who.

Épisode 8 - Time Trouble

14 mai 2005 - 4.3/5

Following the Doctor's dangerous crossing of time streams, on Rose's behalf, in the episode Father's Day, Doctor Who Confidential looks at some of the Doctor's previous adventures within the Fourth Dimension.

Épisode 9 - Special Effects

21 mai 2005 - 4.4/5

The adventures of The Doctor on BBC television have not always been renowned for the perfection of their visual effects, however, Doctor Who Confidential looks at how modern technology can now give us effective shots of Rose floating over 1941 London during the Blitz while hanging from a barrage balloon.

Épisode 10 - Weird Science

28 mai 2005 - 4.3/5

The plot device of nanogenes in the episode The Doctor Dances points up the role of futuristic science concepts in Doctor Who. This episode examines some of these concepts.

Épisode 11 - Unsung Heroes and Violent Death

4 juin 2005 - 4.3/5

Following on from an episode, Boom Town, that deals mainly with death and justice, the Confidential team looks at the importance of death to Doctor Who and at the Doctor's moral code.

Épisode 12 - The World of Who

11 juin 2005 - 4.5/5

The making of the penultimate episode of the new series of Doctor Who, with its reality and game shows gone mad, a look at fandom and conventions, as well as the role of the programme in British popular culture, in this episode of Confidential.

Épisode 13 - The Last Battle

18 juin 2005 - 4.5/5

A look at the making of the last episode of the 2005 season of Doctor Who, The Parting of the Ways. Also covered is the end of the Ninth Doctor's era, looking forward to the future of the next Doctor…

Épisode 1 - New, New Doctor

15 avril 2006 - 4.4/5

Behind the scenes of "New Earth". David Tennant is interviewed during his first few days playing the new Doctor. The process of regeneration is closely examined, as we learn all about the Doctor's regeneration at the end of The Parting of the Ways, follow him as he chooses his new outfit in The Christmas Invasion, then join the Doctor and Rose on their first adventure together on New Earth.

Épisode 2 - Fear Factor

22 avril 2006 - 4.4/5

Behind the scenes of "Tooth and Claw". On the back of Tooth and Claw, this episode examines just how scary Doctor Who can be. The episode looks at how state-of-the-art CGI is used to create some of the Doctor's scariest enemies, and revists his bone-chilling fight with the Sycorax leader in The Christmas Invasion.

Épisode 3 - Friends Reunited

29 avril 2006 - 4.6/5

Behind the scenes of "School Reunion". As well as going behind the scenes on School Reunion, this episode examines why former companions have decided to leave the TARDIS in the past, with interviews from the actors who played them. Also, the actors discuss what they think that their characters would be doing now, after leaving the Doctor and the TARDIS.

Épisode 4 - Script to Screen

6 mai 2006 - 4.6/5

Behind the scenes of "The Girl in the Fireplace". This episode looks at the production process that turns an initial script into a completed episode of Doctor Who.

Épisode 5 - Cybermen

13 mai 2006 - 4.6/5

Behind the scenes of "Rise of the Cybermen (1)". This episode examines the history of the dreaded Cybermen, with memorable clips from the original series, and looks at the design process that brought the new-look Cybermen to our screens in the episode Rise of the Cybermen.

Épisode 6 - From Zero to Hero

20 mai 2006 - 4.2/5

Behind the scenes of "The Age of Steel (2)". A look at the journey Mickey Smith has taken over the past two series. Featuring key backstage scenes in his final episode, actor Noel Clarke provides an insight to life on set and beyond…

Épisode 7 - The Writer's Tale

27 mai 2006 - 4.6/5

Behind the scenes of "The Idiot's Lantern". Mark Gatiss, writer of The Idiot's Lantern takes us through the writing process, and explains the thrill a writer feels as his words come to life on set.

Épisode 8 - You've Got the Look

3 juin 2006 - 4.6/5

Behind the scenes of "The Impossible Planet (1)". The design team is responsible for the look of Doctor Who, building sets and redressing locations to create the different time periods and alien worlds to which the Doctor travels.

Épisode 9 - Myths and Legends

10 juin 2006 - 4.7/5

Behind the scenes of "The Satan Pit (2)". This episode looks at the various religious and mythical figures that the Doctor has come across on his travels.

Épisode 10 - New World of Who

17 juin 2006 - 4.7/5

Behind the scenes of "Love and Monsters". This episode looks in detail at the development of the Doctor's latest foe from its origin as the winning entry in a "design a monster" competition on Blue Peter. New technology has allowed the expansion of the Doctor Who universe, through the interactive The Attack of the Graske episode and "TARDISode" downloads.

Épisode 11 - The Fright Stuff

24 juin 2006 - 4.7/5

Behind the scenes of "Fear Her". This programme looks at some of the scariest moments in the history of Doctor Who.

Épisode 12 - Welcome to Torchwood

1 juillet 2006 - 4.5/5

Behind the scenes of "Army of Ghosts (1)". In a break from the normal programming, this episode takes a look behind the scenes of next year's spin-off series Torchwood.

Épisode 13 - Finale

8 juillet 2006 - 4.7/5

Behind the scenes of "Doomsday (2)". This episode takes a look back at the second series of Doctor Who and goes behind the scenes of the epic season finale.

Épisode 1 - Meet Martha Jones

31 mars 2007 - 4.1/5

Behind the scenes of "Smith and Jones". The Doctor's back, but now his time and space is shared with a brand new companion. By sheer courage and determination, she has wowed the Time Lord and been offered a place on board the TARDIS, and Doctor Who Confidential was backstage to see it all unfold.

Épisode 2 - Stage Fright

7 avril 2007 - 4.2/5

Behind the scenes of "The Shakespeare Code". Behind-the-scenes look at Doctor Who. The production team recreated some of the most breathtaking scenes to date as Martha's first trip in the TARDIS takes her to Elizabethan England to meet William Shakespeare.

Épisode 3 - Are We There Yet?

14 avril 2007 - 4/5

Behind the scenes of "Gridlock". Behind the scenes of the Doctor's visit to New Earth, featuring endless space-age motorways and numerous computer generated images, which posed a huge challenge for all those involved. There's also a look at how guest star Ardal O'Hanlon was transformed into his character Brannigan

Épisode 4 - A New York Story

21 avril 2007 - 4/5

Behind the scenes of "Daleks in Manhattan (1)". Helen Raynor reveals where she found her inspiration when writing about the Doctor's visit to Thirties New York. She discusses how Manhattan residents lived in tenement buildings in the era and takes a walk through Central Park

Épisode 5 - Making Manhattan

28 avril 2007 - 4/5

Behind the scenes of "Evolution of the Daleks (2)". Behind-the-scenes look at the making of Doctor Who. There's a trip to to Manhattan to find out how to recreate 1930s New York in the heart of south Wales. The producer and director of episodes four and five visit the New York locations they plan to reproduce and the visual effects supervisor shows what they need to make Manhattan in Cardiff.

Épisode 6 - Monsters Inc

5 mai 2007 - 4.4/5

Behind the scenes of "The Lazarus Experiment". An episode of Doctor Who just wouldn't be the same without a monster to scare the living daylights out of you! The creation of such a beast is never easy – especially when it's purely computer generated! Confidential is on set throughout this chilling episode, spends some quality time with guest star Mark Gatiss and takes a look at some of the fantastic prosthetic and computer generated monsters created since the series made its welcomed come-back in 2005.

Épisode 7 - Space Craft

19 mai 2007 - 4.4/5

Behind the scenes of "42". It's back into outer space for Doctor Who and this time it's an adventure set entirely on a spaceship. Join Confidential as we gain exclusive access to Doctor Who's art department and take you on a tour of the spaceship's sets and locations. Confidential also journeys back in time to show you some of the best off the wall spaceship designs seen in five decades. Guest star Michelle Collins discusses her role as the ship's captain, and how she felt performing stunts on her very first day on set. From models on wires to cutting edge CGI, this is a space craft extravaganza.

Épisode 8 - Alter Ego

26 mai 2007 - 4/5

Behind the scenes of "Human Nature". With aliens in hot pursuit, the Doctor and Martha find themselves in 1913 England. Confidential is right beside them to delve deeper into the alter ego of the nation's favourite Time Lord.

Épisode 9 - Bad Blood

2 juin 2007 - 4/5

Behind the scenes of "The Family of Blood". With The Family of Blood breathing down the neck of the Doctor, time is running out. Confidential follows the action backstage as we glimpse a life more ordinary (for the Doctor) as well as a vision of the dark future ahead.

Épisode 10 - Do You Remember The First Time?

9 juin 2007 - 4/5

Broadcast alongside "Blink". This week, David Tennant directs his very own Doctor Who Confidential. TV’s top Time Lord has been given complete control to film his own very personal account of the making of Doctor Who. David takes a nostalgic voyage of discovery to find out the secret behind the success of Doctor Who.

Épisode 11 - 'ello, 'ello, 'ello

16 juin 2007 - 4.4/5

Behind the scenes of "Utopia". Doctor Who Confidential says "'ello, 'ello, 'ello" to everyone's favourite time agent, Captain Jack Harkness, who returns to the series this week. Left alone by the Doctor and Rose in series one, we talk to John Barrowman about his return to the show - what it's like for him and his character to be back on Doctor Who and working with a new Doctor and companion.

Épisode 12 - The Saxon Mystery

23 juin 2007 - 4.4/5

Behind the scenes of "The Sound of Drums". It's back to earth with a bump for the Doctor and his companions as they come face to face the infamous Mr Saxon, brought to life by Life on Mars star, John Simm. Join Doctor Who Confidential in unravelling the mystery behind Saxon, with a detailed look at this character's journey, which surprisingly began way back in series two.

Épisode 13 - The Valiant Quest

30 juin 2007 - 4.6/5

Behind the scenes of "Last of the Time Lords". It's the end of an amazing series and Confidential goes behind the scenes of the nail biting finale to Series Three as we see two enemies square up for a battle of valiant proportions.

Épisode 1 - A Noble Return

5 avril 2008 - 4.6/5

In the first of a new series, Confidential features the welcome return of Catherine Tate as the unstoppable Donna Noble and gets up close and personal with the Doctor's latest companion - from her first days on set through to her battle against an army of sinister Adipose.

Épisode 2 - The Italian Job

12 avril 2008 - 4.4/5

Doctor Who Confidential travels the long road to Rome to witness the making of The Doctor's latest volcanic voyage. Filming at the famous Cinecitta Studios, the production team face an Italian job of colossal proportions and Confidential is on set to feel the heat. Plus David Tennant heads up Pompeii and climbs Mount Vesuvius in this latest Doctor Who Confidential exclusive.

Épisode 3 - Oods and Ends

19 avril 2008 - 4.2/5

The Confidential crew travel to the Ood Sphere to examine the return of the mysterious Ood to Doctor Who. They discover how a quarry in South West Wales in the middle of summer gets turned into a winter wonderland, and how David Tennant gets turned into an all action hero.

Épisode 4 - Send in the Clones

26 avril 2008 - 4.2/5

Join Confidential, as we take you exclusively behind-the-scenes as Martha greets the Doctor again and meets his latest companion, Donna Noble. As confusion abounds, The Time Lord, Donna and Martha join forces in a battle to save the human race.

Épisode 5 - Sontar-Ha!

3 mai 2008 - 4.2/5

For the first time in over 20 years, the Sontarans are back as Confidential explores the return of the ultimate warrior race. We speak to David Tennant and Colin Baker and go behind the scenes to look at the explosive Sontaran Invasion against U.N.I.T. forces.

Épisode 6 - Sins of the Fathers

10 mai 2008 - 4.5/5

Confidential opens a new chapter in history as the Doctor's daughter makes an appearance; plus a look at the Doctor's generation time line, and why two Doctors can be better than one. Featuring exclusive backstage footage and interviews from Doctors old and new. Includes interviews with David Tennant, Peter Davison, Georgia Moffett and Russell T Davies.

Épisode 7 - Nemesis

17 mai 2008 - 4.5/5

Aired alongside 'The Unicorn and the Wasp' Join Confidential, become an armchair detective and find out exactly what goes into creating a classic murder mystery. Find out what it's like behind-the-scenes with such a big ensemble cast and discover the mysterious events surrounding the real Agatha Christie.

Épisode 8 - Shadow Play

31 mai 2008 - 4/5

Visit The Doctor and Donna on the set of the eerie Library Planet, as they confront the monsters of the Dark, the vicious Vashta Nerada We examine the shadowy creatures that even the Doctor is terrified of, how they are created, and how a disused library in Swansea became the setting for all the universe's books, and look at the contribution of writer Steven Moffat to the new Doctor Who. Featuring interviews with David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat.

Épisode 9 - River Runs Deep

7 juin 2008 - 4.4/5

Fresh from Stateside success and back in the UK to film her part in Doctor Who, Confidential talks to Alex Kingston and discovers more about her time travelling archaeologist River Song.

Épisode 10 - Look Who's Talking

14 juin 2008 - 4.2/5

Doctor Who Confidential takes you behind the scenes of one the creepiest episodes of the series yet! As well as exclusive backstage footage, the show also reveals how the sound team put together the complicated soundscape of the hit show.

Épisode 11 - Here Come the Girls

21 juin 2008 - 4.7/5

Behind-the-scenes look at the making of Doctor Who. The world is in crisis and there's only one person who can save it, but it's not who you might think. Witness the world without the Doctor, travels backstage with the TARDIS, and takes a stroll down the exotic Shan Shen Alley. There is also the return of an old friend to the show in the shape of Rose Tyler. Featuring an exclusive interview with Billie Piper and contributions from Catherine Tate, David Tennant and Russell T Davies.

Épisode 12 - Friends and Foe

28 juin 2008 - 4.6/5

A look at the history of TV's most popular alien monsters, the Daleks, from their creation 45 years ago to their latest incarnation. Plus, interviews with the show's biggest-ever collection of companions, and exclusive interviews with David Tennant, Russell T Davies, director Graeme Harper, art director Ed Thomas, and original Dalek designer Ray Cusick.

Épisode 13 - The End of an Era

5 juillet 2008 - 4.7/5

It's the end of series four and Confidential goes behind the scenes as we see the Doctor's Arch Enemy bring the universe to the brink of extinction. Featuring interviews with David Tennant, Billie Piper, Catherine Tate, Freema Agyeman, Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson.

Épisode 1 - Call Me The Doctor

3 avril 2010 - 4.2/5

Behind-the-scenes look at the making of Doctor Who, capturing all the backstage treats from Matt Smith's first action-packed episode and giving a real 'getting to know you' taster of life as The Doctor. There's a Cribs-style tour of the TARDIS with Matt and production designer Edward Thomas, a glimpse of the episode 1 read-through and an insight into life on set as the nation's favourite Time Lord. Narrated by Alex Price and featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Steven Moffat.

Épisode 2 - All about the Girl

10 avril 2010 - 3.8/5

Behind-the-scenes series looking at the making of Doctor Who features new companion Amy Pond and her adventures with the Doctor onboard the Starship UK. Find out just what makes the sinister smilers tick and get right in the thick of the action with actress Karen Gillan. Also, the show goes behind the mask to explore the secret of Liz Ten as Oscar-nominated actress Sophie Okenedo talks about creating this extraordinary character. Narrated by Alex Price.

Épisode 3 - War Games

17 avril 2010 - 4.6/5

A behind the scenes look at the story of the rebirth of the Daleks. Confidential follows writer Mark Gatiss as he visits the Churchill Museum, and discusses writing the episode. Ian McNiece discusses his role as Winston Churchill.

Épisode 4 - Eyes Wide Open

24 avril 2010 - 4.2/5

Alex Kingston, who plays River Song, talks about the highs and lows of being suspended on wires, and there's a look back with cast and crew at the Doctor and River Song's relationship so far. The Weeping Angels get a makeover for their long-awaited comeback and Matt Smith is photographed, scanned and 'rotoscoped' for the new online Doctor Who Adventure Games. Narrated by Alex Price and featuring interviews with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.

Épisode 5 - Blinded by the Light

1 mai 2010 - 4.5/5

Actress Karen Gillan tells how the 'Crack in Time' series story arc fits into this episode, while writer Steven Moffat describes how the very first crack in time was actually in his son's bedroom wall. As we prepare to say goodbye (for now) to River Song, the cast and crew examine the character's shady story so far and speculate about her possibly even shadier future, while Gillan gives a guided tour to Amy Pond's bedroom. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Alex Kingston.

Épisode 6 - Death in Venice

8 mai 2010 - 4.5/5

The cast and crew get a trip abroad. But not to Venice, because as episode writer Toby Whithouse explains, modern day Venice doesn't really look like 16th century Venice anymore. Instead the episode is shot in Trogir, a small medieval town in Croatia that is the spitting image of 16th century Venice. However, Matt Smith and Toby Whithouse do take a trip to Venice and meet up with Francesco Da Mosto, who takes them on his boat and gives them a unique tour to illustrate how the world's most beautiful city works as a back drop to Toby's fiction. Narrated by Alex Price and featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Francesco Da Mosto.

Épisode 7 - Arthurian Legend

15 mai 2010 - 4.3/5

Behind-the-scenes of Doctor Who. Arthur Darvill, who plays Rory, explains how the three companions set about solving a reality dilemma created by the Dream Lord.

Épisode 8 - After Effects

22 mai 2010 - 4.6/5

Behind-the-scenes series about the making of Doctor Who. Includes a journey through the production process of a Doctor Who episode from cutting room to living room.

Épisode 9 - What Goes on Tour ...

29 mai 2010 - 4.4/5

The Confidential cameras follow the Doctor Who team as they travel the length and breadth of the UK to launch the new series, getting up close and personal with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as they journey from Belfast to London, taking in emotional whistle-stop visits to their home towns along the way. There's exclusive access and personal insights from everyone involved with this unique tour. Digging deeper into the making of episode 9, there's a look at the creation of the stunning underground city and the lowdown on what it took to create the earth-shattering climax to this epic adventure.

Épisode 10 - A Brush with Genius

5 juin 2010 - 4.2/5

The Doctor and Amy team up with artist Vincent van Gogh, the cast and crew travel to Croatia to see if they can recreate 19th century France in 21st century Trojir, and actor Tony Curran takes a tour of the J Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles to look at one of Van Gogh's most valuable paintings.

Épisode 11 - Extra Time

12 juin 2010 - 4.5/5

Confidential gets on set and on side with James Corden as the Doctor decides it's time for a new housemate and ends up as the star of the local pub football team. Karen Gillan is starry eyed when she visits the Royal Greenwich Observatory to meet space scientist Maggie Aderin and discover what the time really is. Backstage, the Doctor is ready to find out what's lurking upstairs in Craig's house.

Épisode 12 - Alien Abduction

19 juin 2010 - 4/5

The crew set out in the middle of a cold winter's night to film on the ancient site of Stonehenge, and take the ride of their lives to discover the true origin of the Pandorica.

Épisode 13 - Out of Time

26 juin 2010 - 4.3/5

Confidential takes a closer look at the earth-shattering action of the series finale, helping viewers to make sense of the epic series of events that unfold. And in an exciting departure, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan take a bite out of the Big Apple to help launch the new series in the USA. Featuring interviews with Matt and Karen.

Épisode 1 - Coming to America

23 avril 2011 - 4.4/5

Doctor Who Confidential travels Stateside with the cast and crew to show how Doctor Who created its very own American Dream. In Utah, Confidential follows the director's quest to find the perfect movie-style backdrop to one of the most ambitious scenes to date. Matt Smith dons his stetson and gives us a run-down of the USA filming and the crew talk us through the thrills of filming in the Utah desert. Back on home ground, we bring you the creation of the Oval Office, the much-debated return of River Song and a whole load of backstage action from this spectacular two-parter. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston.

Épisode 2 - Breaking the Silence

30 avril 2011 - 4.5/5

Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill take us on a wild west tour, deep in the heart of the American desert. The Doctor Who crew are filming in a very unusual location of super-size scale and Confidential covers the entire journey from the States to the stars. Alex Kingston speculates about the mysterious River Song and The Silence have their say on one of the scariest monsters to date. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Alex Kingston.

Épisode 3 - Ship Ahoy!

7 mai 2011 - 4.3/5

Doctor Who Confidential sets sail for a behind-the-scenes journey on board the Doctor Who pirate ship. Karen Gillan is a swinging success when she gets to grips with swash buckling and, with exclusive access to all areas of production, we find out how the crew creates a storm at sea. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Hugh Bonneville.

Épisode 4 - Bigger on the Inside

14 mai 2011 - 4.5/5

Acclaimed fantasy author Neil Gaiman takes us on a personal tour of the Doctor's magical machine, and Confidential goes behind the scenes to find out what life is like on a junkyard planet.

Épisode 5 - Double Trouble

21 mai 2011 - 4.2/5

Confidential follows the Doctor inside a mysterious medieval monastery to find out just what is going on with 'The Flesh'. We discover the truth behind Rory's latest love interest and learn the tricks about filming with doubles. We find out what it's like to be a guest star on Doctor Who through the eyes of actor Marshall Lancaster and there are interviews with Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Sarah Smart, Mark Bonnar and writer Matthew Graham.

Épisode 6 - Take Two

28 mai 2011 - 4.5/5

Confidential hangs out with the stars in the 'Tent of Fun' and takes a look at how filming with doppelgangers can mean double the trouble. We discover whether playing The Doctor has given Matt Smith an insight into another world, while writer Matthew Graham takes a journey of discovery and sees one of his most powerful new characters coming to life. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Sarah Smart.

Épisode 7 - The Born Identity

4 juin 2011 - 4.4/5

Confidential goes behind the scenes for the epic series finale set on the asteroid, Demons Run. We discover how the Doctor Who team create the newest baddies, turn a small platoon of clerics into an army and transform an alley in Cardiff into Jack the Ripper's London. Features a day in the life of a Doctor Who enemy and in-depth interviews with Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Frances Barber and lead writer Steven Moffat.

Épisode 8 - River Runs Wild

27 août 2011 - 4.4/5

Achtung! Explosions, vintage bikes, cornfields and time travel make for a mind-boggling start to the second batch of Doctor Who adventures.Confidential is back on set with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in 1930s Berlin. We hang out backstage with the cast and crew and bring you all the behind-the-scenes action as the series gets back into full swing. We also bring you Script to Screen - the making of a mini Doctor Who episode written by schoolchildren and brought to life by Matt Smith and the Doctor Who team. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Steven Moffat.

Épisode 9 - About a Boy

3 septembre 2011 - 4.4/5

Series going behind the scenes of Doctor Who. Confidential is on location, presenting action from a 17th century estate in the Gloucestershire countryside and a high-rise housing estate in Bristol. The cast have a bit of a sing-song, there's a long night with the one of the assistant directors and the special effects team show how sometimes good old-fashioned green gloop is the only way. Mark Gatiss talks about writing for three consecutive TV Doctors and, in script to Screen, find out who plays an all-important historical figure. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat.

Épisode 10 - What Dreams May Come

10 septembre 2011 - 4.1/5

Confidential is out and about with Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams). Can Karen get up to 100mph around one of the UK's fastest racetracks and can Arthur rise to the challenge of swimming in a tank of sharks? The team are also on set at Wales Millennium Centre to fend off some brutal new enemies and viewers get to experience a 'Day in the Life' of the camera department. Also featured is another Script to Screen, as our storyboard artist brings the story to life. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and Steven Moffat.

Épisode 11 - Heartbreak Hotel

17 septembre 2011 - 4.3/5

Confidential is on set with David Walliams as he makes his Doctor Who debut. Find out what made writer Toby Whithouse set his latest Doctor adventure in a hotel with a difference and discover how to make heads turn in a room full of ventriloquist dummies. Spend 'A Day in the Life' with the writer on a very revealing set visit when he finally gets face to face with his very own creation, plus more teasers on Death is the Only Answer - an exclusive three-minute Doctor Who episode written by schoolchildren. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill and David Walliams.

Épisode 12 - Open All Hours

24 septembre 2011 - 4.3/5

Matt Smith is reunited with an old friend as James Corden returns as Craig, the Doctor's housemate. The pair discuss the merits of filming at night in a department store with baby co-stars. Radio 1 DJ Greg James also provides an insight into his cameo appearance, and the winners of the Script to Screen contest are given a chance to meet the Time Lord himself on set.

Épisode 13 - When Time Froze

1 octobre 2011 - 4.4/5

Actress Alex Kingston provides an explanation of River Song's complex timeline with the Doctor, and The Script to Screen contest draws to a close with Death Is the Only Answer, a three-minute episode written by the pupils of Oakley Junior School in Basingstoke, Hampshire, in which the Doctor make use of a little-known Time Lord weapon before helping a fellow time-traveller find his way home.

Épisode 1 - Life Cycle of a Dalek

1 septembre 2012 - 4.6/5

Épisode 2 - Raptors, Robots and a Bumpy Ride

8 septembre 2012 - 4.8/5

Épisode 3 - Wild, Wild...Spain?

15 septembre 2012 - 4.8/5

Épisode 4 - A Writer's Tale

22 septembre 2012 - 4.8/5

Épisode 5 - A Fall with Grace

1 octobre 2012 - 4.4/5

Épisode 6 - Clara's First Christmas

25 décembre 2012 - 4.4/5

Épisode 7 - Behind the Scenes of The Bells of Saint John

30 mars 2013 - 4.4/5

Épisode 8 - Behind the Scenes of The Rings of Akhaten

6 avril 2013 - 4.4/5

Épisode 9 - Behind the Scenes of Cold War

13 avril 2013 - 4.5/5

Épisode 10 - Behind the Scenes of Hide

20 avril 2013 - 4.4/5

Épisode 11 - Behind the Scenes of Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

27 avril 2013 - 4.4/5

Épisode 12 - Behind the Scenes of The Crimson Horror

4 mai 2013 - 4.6/5

Épisode 13 - Behind the Scenes of Nightmare in Silver

11 mai 2013 - 4.8/5

Épisode 14 - Behind the Scenes of The Name of the Doctor

18 mai 2013 - 4.8/5


The return of Sarah Jane


New series overview


Derniers avis

avatar de du commentaire : Pourquoi est-ce qu'il y a de nouveaux épisodes? Il me semblait que Doctor Who Confidential avait été arrêté après la saison 6.

08/09/2014 - 5/5

Pourquoi est-ce qu'il y a de nouveaux épisodes? Il me semblait que Doctor Who Confidential avait été arrêté après la saison 6.